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Visual Culture Course

Visual Culture around the contemporary   Responsible: Manuel Furtado Schedule: Monday from 19:30 to 21:00 Starts on 27 March and ends on 19 June Nº of Sessions: 12 – weekly classes Price: 30€ (registration) + 150€ Payment modalities: 3 terms (50€+50€+50€) or cash payment (offer of the registration fee)   Presentation: Beginning with introducing a fundamental contextualization, […]

Henrique Vieira Ribeiro | CT1LN Part I – Paulo V.’s Travels

from the 16th of February to the 18th of March                    But let’s not speak about facts. The facts no longer matter to anyone. They are only starting points for the invention and thinking. Jorge Luís Borges, “Utopia of a tired man“ in The book of Sand               Paulo V. was an […]

Márcio Carvalho | Bitter Past. Bitter Kola.

from the 12th of January to the 11th of February              Márcio Carvalho on this exhibition: For a long time, in Western societies, statues and monuments have been the temples of our memories. They are symbolic spaces of remembering and forgetting in which the time sequence of past and present are continuously recombined. These […]

Texto de Manuel Furtado sobre “Intrusão”

A cristalização do tempo na pintura de Paula Prates   Neste corpo inédito de trabalho, Paula Prates explora a pintura de uma forma analítica, decompondo-a nos seus elementos mais fundamentais. Para isso torna cada pincelada um acto consciente e independente, garantindo assim que até a mistura de cores só acontece por sobreposição. Apesar de todo […]